๐Ÿฝ๏ธ $100 Amazon gift card sweepstakes

Dinner Table Discussions

Hey Future Funders Family,

Happy Friday!

This week marks the start of our $100 Amazon gift card sweepstakes. It works like this:

  • Starting today through May 7th, use your unique referral link at the bottom of this email to refer anyone you may think would enjoy reading 'Dinner Table Discussions.'

  • Each referral will serve as one entrance into the sweepstakes. To not bombard your inbox, we will send you periodic emails to update you on your entries.

  • Winner will be announced May 7th!

Ok, let's get to it!

๐Ÿ’ฌ Quote Of The Week

โ€œHaving children is like living in a frat house- nobody sleeps, everythingโ€™s broken, and thereโ€™s a lot of throwing up.โ€

๐Ÿ“ฐ Headlines That Matter


The Stock Market's First Quarter Report Card

๐Ÿš€ The quick version: We are now 25% of the way through the year which is when most people pick their head up and look at the stock market.

If you are short on time, all you need to know is:

  • Tech stocks soared

  • Bank stocks... did not

Over the last three months, the NASDAQ (tech heavy companies make up this index) climbed 17%. This was due largely to expectations changing around interest rates not moving much higher (explain it like I'm 5: how interest rates affect stocks) and some general optimism that A.I. will revolutionize everything (although tech CEO's have been a bit more cautious lately).

Meanwhile, the banking sector sank due to the second-and third-largest bank collapses in U.S. history. Regional bank stocks were down 25%, and while larger banks fared better, many are still negative on the year.

๐Ÿ‘ช How it affects you: Any short term moves in the stock market should be less concerning to you if you take a long term approach to investing (i.e. in your retirement accounts). That said, it's important to still keep an eye on what is going on in the markets as well as any money you potentially have invested.

If you have the skills and want to put in the time to be a more active investor, volatility and large moves in different sectors like the above can present wonderful opportunities. It is worth noting that the big banks will start to report their quarterly company earnings next week so if you are optimistic that the worst is over, it might not be a bad time to do some homework and potentially buy some (we would also suggest reading JP. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon's annual letter to shareholders this past week for some thoughts on where the economy may be headed).

Should you want to get started learning about investing as well as potentially teach the kids in the process, we have a list of investing terms to get you started as well as a list of some great investing books that you can read together (we have a list for younger kids and one for older kids and parents).


The Economy Is Slowing

๐Ÿš€ The quick version: There were some important economic data points this week that mostly pointed to a slowing economy and possibly some inflation relief ahead. A few worth highlighting:

  • Manufacturing activity is slowing. The US Manufacturing ISM cooled for March (this is basically a survey trying to capturing manufacturing activity in the US). The headline number came in at 46.3 vs. 47.7 in February (the experts were expecting 47.5). Perhaps more importantly, prices paid also fell from 51.3 to 49.2 (the experts were expecting 51.1). This level of activity is a three year low (generally a number >50 signals expansion and <50 is contraction), and signals the prices being paid by the firms that make you stuff is coming down (and if their prices are coming down, yours may be next).

  • Services activity is also slowing. The US Services ISM also slowed for March (this is basically a survey trying to capturing service company activity in the US - e.x. things like healthcare and food service companies). The headline number came in at 51.2 vs. 55.1 in February (the experts were expecting 54.4); prices paid also slumped from 65.6 to 59.5. Since numbers are still slightly >50 we haven't entered contraction territory yet, but we are getting there quickly.

  • The US Jobs Report For March. Friday morning the U.S. added 236,000 jobs in March (vs. 230,000 expected) with average hourly earnings +4.2% over last year (vs. 4.3% expected). Overall the report here came in no worse than people were expecting with some signs now that job growth is slowing.

๐Ÿ‘ช How it affects you: If these readings continue, it means that economic activity is slowing down and that we also may be able to finally say the worst of inflation is behind us.

In our view, the data this week also likely means the Fed probably will only hike rates once more (or not at all) and they will have some breathing room to take rates down in the future if the economy deteriorates further. When it comes to your family, if we are correct on this it would be an indication to possibly wait on taking out any big loans in the near term if you can (because you may get a better rate later this year or early next).

The next data point everyone will be focused on is the Consumer Price Index Report (CPI) for March which is due out on 4/12. This will tell us a bit more definitively if we are right on inflation starting to get a bit better.

Dinner Table โ“ For The Kids

An asset that you pledge as security for a loan is known as ______. The word is also the name of a 2004 movie in which cab driver Jamie Foxx gives a ride to hitman Tom Cruise.

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Answer below (no peeking!).

๐Ÿ’ก Few People Know...

๐Ÿซ What to do if you are struggling to pay back college loans. Some very practical advice and also some out of the box thinking (did you know you can sell your plasma?)

๐Ÿš‘ Slash your medical bills. Before paying, make sure you ask these important questions.

๐Ÿš˜ Thinking of buying an electric car? Recent rules around which cars qualify for a full $7,500 tax credit will change starting April 18th, but if your car of choice may no longer qualify, you may still be able to get the full credit using these loopholes.

๐Ÿ’ป A new way to make up to $355,000 for you or the kids. Just learn how to talk to ChatGPT.

๐Ÿงณ Taking a second spring break vacation soon? Check out the 12 latest ways to save on family travel.

๐Ÿงน Find extra cash in your closet. Don't believe us? Turns out you can make some serious bank selling your stuff online.

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿš€ Inspire the kids to dream big! NASA just announced the four astronauts that will fly around the moon in 2024. What an inspiration to all young kids out there (even if most still want to be YouTubers).

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ The Week Ahead

April 11th

Today is National Pet Day. We are biased (bc we have two dogs) but its worth pointing out that recent research shows children with cats or dogs at home are less likely to develop food allergies.

April 12th

Today we will get the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for March. If the data we have seen this week is any indication, we would expect to see at least some signs that inflation is slowing.

๐Ÿ” Topic of Focus

How To Know If You Need Life Insurance?

For anyone with loved ones or a family that depends on them, this topic is important. We will give you some pointers on when you might need it, how much you might need, and what are some of your different options.

Dinner Table โ“ For The Kids

Answer: The correct answer is B, Collateral. Just like the movie.

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