🏡 Fast times and first frights

And MORE to life than death & taxes 🪦

Welcome back, Future Funder

We know you’ve probably fallen victim to the clickbait headlines, fearmongering broadcasts, and ~confusingly~ bad advice that lacks context in today’s “unprecedented times.”

You’ve been told that buying a house is the best (and biggest) investment that money can buy, yet the housing market feels like it’s at an all-time unfair. 

Some days, you even question if buying a house really is better than renting because you DO NOT THRIVE in the household maintenance department. 

You’ve also got a “great job on paper” with all of the salary, benefits, and other corporate perks that everyone says you should be grateful for…

…and yet you feel like you’re sporting your own customized pair of golden handcuffs every Friday by 5 p.m. 

Your office happy hour is calling. Beer me, brotha.

You’ve even considered starting a side hustle just to make a little extra cash, but your idea of a good time does not involve Facebook messaging someone you haven’t talked to since high school…

…and asking if they’re open to additional revenue streams, being their own boss, or making money from their phone. 

Sorry bro, trying to avoid joining a shady MLM if I can swing it.

At Future Funders, we see this, we hear this, and we’ve lived this, too.

And we want you to know that you are not alone.

There’s a lot of advice making its rounds we’ll recognize that most of the personal finance advice of the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s wasn’t meant for the existential rage of the internet age…

…especially in a post-2020 apocalypse, where it might not ring true like it once did.

But have no fear, that’s exactly why we’re here: 

To help you decide how you want to fund YOUR future.

Consider this our unofficial State of the Union address, wrapped up in a macroeconomics lesson…

…but without the droney professor, mountains of homework, or gallons of boozy energy drinks consumed in your college dorm room. 

Here are some of the biggest economic changes we’re noticing across the board in just about every industry, regardless of whether you’re a full-time employee, small business owner, or freelancer. 

1. The way we work will never be the same. 

After so many jobs were forced to go fully online during the pandemic, more companies are offering hybrid work solutions and more employees are craving a blended work-from-home life balance. 

This rapid transition to a more internet-friendly work environment also forced companies of all shapes, sizes, and mission statements to grow their internet footprint, so they could be more widely available and accessible.

Online business is big and BOOMING, but because it exists in a land of pixels and ominous puffs of virtual smoke…

…most people haven’t fully comprehended the macro impacts of internet commerce on today’s job market or the future state of the workforce when the creator economy fully ramps up (which also runs on WiFi 100% of the time). 

In the future, the standard grind of the 9-to-5 will no longer be the norm. 

And don’t forget that online business runs 24/7, 365, and from anywhere in the world. 

BRB catching flights, not feelings.

2. Companies are drastically reducing the size of their orgs behind closed doors. 

You’re probably already well aware that layoffs are running rampant in today’s economy. 

And just like how most people know someone who has had cancer, the same can be said for knowing at least one person who’s been laid off in the last year or less.

Your sister, your neighbor, your brother from another mother. 

And TBH, that number is probably even higher. Maybe it’s even happened to you

These days, it’s not uncommon for a job candidate to have a gap on their resume from life after the pandemic…

…yet for some reason you still get asked about an unplanned sabbatical or the reason you were out of work. 

Imagine getting asked about your resume gap for the very first time when you’re in the interview hot seat. Like…how the heck should you even answer that question

There’s another phenomenon happening in the job economy that most news outlets aren’t talking about, and yes…the tea is about to be spilled. 

It’s called decentralization and it’s what’s really happening when you see another round of layoffs get announced on LinkedIn (and where most of the work is going after the jobs get cut from inside a corporation.)

And now for a little sprinkling of a physics lesson…

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, just redistributed, so when you see jobs “going away” it doesn’t necessarily mean that the work or the project was canceled…

…many times, it’s just getting resourced in a different way. 

Luckily, our team at Future Funders has spent the last ten years watching it all unfold while hiding in plain sight, yet poetically under the radar…

…from firing team members so the work could be reallocated for cheaper in another country to setting up shop to offset robotics and automation YEARS before ChatGPT went mainstream…

…and we’re about to give you a front-row seat as we reveal everything we’ve seen (and the stories we’ve heard) from the field so far.

Behind the scenes, large companies and corporations are redistributing their workforce and redesigning their organizational structures to a flatter org design in general…

…with more short-term work allocated to contractors, freelancers, and fractional roles providing B2B services. 

We know because our team has been a fly on the wall in these boardrooms…

…navigated these exact deal conversations as B2B service providers + freelancers…

…and had futuristic headcount discussions inside of Fortune 100 companies and multi-million dollar corporations. 

And last but not least…

3. There’s no playbook for building generational wealth. 

And here’s what sucks: 

Even if you did decide to start a side hustle or business, keep killing it while playing the game as a corporate ninja, or wanted to buy a cash-flowing asset one day…

…there aren’t a lot of places on the internet that will…

a) give you examples from real people who’ve already done it, so you can see that this path to generational wealth exists and is possible or

b) walk you through the nitty-gritty of how it all works, so you can decide if that specific wealth-generating path is right for you and your family.

At Future Funders, our team has created a portfolio of DOZENS of different side hustles, full-blown businesses, cash-flowing assets, and other creative income streams…

…but we’re also first-generation entrepreneurs who didn’t go to business school.

Which means that every lesson we’ve ever learned about how to start, run, and grow a business or revenue stream was built on a little bit of blood, a hell of a lot of sweat equity, and boatloads of tears from learning lessons the hard way.  

Here at Future Funders, we think that gatekeeping or paywall-ing the wealth-building stories and lessons we’ve learned along the way is pretty selfish to say the least…

…which is why we’re writing about it every single week and giving it away for free.

Future Funders will be serving up our very best fresh-for-you financial journalism and wealth education that we didn’t get when we first started, so you can get 1% better every single week.

P.S. If you have a specific question about anything we’ve shared above (or have a future topic you’re interested in reading about from us)...

…just hit reply to this email and someone from our team will be in touch!

More to come, 
Your friends at Future Funders


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