🍽️ From Idea to $3M

PLUS 4 lessons from a teen who raised $3M in 7 months 🤯

Welcome Back, Future Funder!

Ever thought about turning a wild idea into a reality but felt held back?

This week, we're exploring the incredible journey of Rhett, a 17-year-old who raised $3.15 million in just 7 months to build a mountain bike park.

But this isn't just his story—it's about the actionable lessons you can apply to your own ambitions.

Whether you're dreaming of launching a startup, scaling your investments, or making a significant career move, these insights are tailored for you.

Bon a petit! 🧑‍🍳

🥂 But first... happy hour highlights

  1. A Chart of Why "Cash is King" is Back in Play
    Sneak a peek at how money market inflows are making a comeback.

  2. From Knick-Knacks to $220k/Year on the Side
    Unique perspectives from the mom who cleared $200k on Etsy, quickly.

  3. Buy Now, Pay Later Coming to Retailers
    Klarna plans to take cloud flex-payments to brick-n-mortar, upcoming.

  4. Shark Tank Host’s Mother - Savings Secrets
    Mr. Wonderful opens up about his mothers’ finance wisdom after her passing.

Main Course: Four Lessons from an 17 year old who raised $3.15M in 7 months for a bike park 🚵‍♂️

Imagine being 17 with a passion project and the audacity to pursue it against all odds.

Meet Rhett Jones.

He didn't wait for the "right time" or more experience.

He jumped in—and landed $3.15 million to build a mountain bike park.

But this isn't just about Rhett.

It's about the principles he leveraged—principles that you can adopt to turn your own dreams into reality.

"Big achievements start with bold moves."

Let's unpack the key lessons from Rhett's journey and see how they can fuel your path.

Lesson 1: Leverage Strategic Outreach to Unlock Opportunities

Rather than reach out to friends and family to fundraise his dream, Rhett instead began by simply reaching out to 550 people on LinkedIn who had "mountain biker" and "investor" in their profiles.

He didn't just spam them with requests.

He crafted personalized messages, seeking advice and building genuine connections.

What This Means for You:

  • Quality Over Quantity: It's not about mass emailing—it's about meaningful engagement.

  • Be Genuine: Show real interest in the person you're contacting.

  • Offer Value: Think about what you can bring to the table, even if it's just enthusiasm and fresh perspective.

Action Steps:

  1. Identify Your Network:

    • Make a list of individuals or organizations aligned with your goals.

  2. Craft Personalized Messages:

    • Reference something specific about them to show you're sincere.

  3. Build Relationships:

    • Follow up, stay in touch, and nurture these connections over time.

Remember: The right outreach can open doors you didn't even know existed.

Lesson 2: Turn Rejection into Redirection

His bike park needed a massive footprint to build on…

…certainly not easy to come by.

After facing 123 rejections for land acquisition, Rhett could have given up.

Instead, he came up with an innovative solution—a partnership with a real estate investing division of a software company.

This led to securing $2.8 million worth of land through a creative deal.

What This Means for You:

  • Persistence Pays Off: Rejection is often a detour, not a dead end.

  • Think Creatively: If traditional methods fail, explore unconventional avenues.

  • Stay Open to Partnerships: Collaborations can provide resources and expertise you might lack.

“There’s always more than one path.”

Action Steps:

  1. Embrace Rejection:

    • View each "no" as one step closer to a "yes."

  2. Brainstorm Alternatives:

    • List out-of-the-box strategies to achieve your goal.

  3. Seek Strategic Partnerships:

    • Identify organizations or individuals who could benefit mutually from collaboration.

Remember: Obstacles can be opportunities in disguise.

Lesson 3: Learn by Doing—Action Over Perfection

Rhett admitted, *"Building trails is actually a science... I thought it was just like, 'Oh, let's just start cutting into this mountain, it'll work out.'"

He learned the complexities through hands-on experience, not endless planning.

What This Means for You:

  • Start Before You're Ready: You'll never feel 100% prepared.

  • Embrace the Learning Curve: Mistakes are valuable lessons.

  • Adapt Quickly: Use real-world feedback to refine your approach.

Action Steps:

  1. Launch a Small Pilot:

    • Test your idea on a manageable scale.

  2. Accept Imperfection:

    • Focus on progress, not perfection.

  3. Reflect and Adjust:

    • Regularly assess what's working and what's not, then pivot as needed.

Remember: Action creates momentum; overthinking stalls it.

Lesson 4: Dream Big, Act Now

Rhett isn't stopping with one bike park.

He's already planning to build "the world's best bike park," aiming to rival global destinations.

He doesn't let current limitations hinder his grand vision.

What This Means for You:

  • Set Audacious Goals: Don't limit yourself to what's easily attainable.

  • Maintain Vision Amidst Challenges: Keep your end goal in sight to stay motivated.

  • Take Consistent Steps Forward: Even small actions compound over time.

Action Steps:

  1. Define Your Big Picture:

    • Write down your ultimate goal without self-imposed limits.

  2. Break It Down:

    • Divide your goal into actionable milestones.

  3. Commit to Daily Actions:

    • Do something each day that moves you closer to your vision.

Remember: Big dreams require bold action—and there's no better time to start than now.

Rhett's journey is more than an inspiring story—it's a blueprint.


  • Took strategic action

  • Transformed rejection into opportunity

  • Valued experience over perfection

  • Dreamed big and acted boldly

Now, it's your turn.

Ask yourself:

  • Which of these lessons resonates most with your current situation?

  • What's one actionable step you can take today to move toward your goal?

Your dream doesn't have to wait.

Start now, learn along the way, and watch as your own success story unfolds.

If this hit home - be serious and take action.

Share the one lesson you'll implement this week.

Hit reply—we can't wait to support your journey!

🍰 Dessert & Final Thoughts

Every remarkable achievement starts with a decision to try.

You have the insights.

You have the capability.

All that's left is the action.

So, what's stopping you?

Stay Ambitious, Stay Inspired

Thank you for being a part of our community.

Your drive fuels not just your success but inspires those around you.

Here's to your journey ahead!

P.S. We're streamlining our format but cranking up the content! 🎉 

Stay tuned for exclusive reports from our upcoming financial deep dives, special guests, and walkthrough workshops already planned through the end of the year.

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Until next time!

Your friends @ Future Funders 🍽️

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