🏡 Stop, drop, and ready to bankroll

PLUS a confidential blue-collar secret đŸ”„

Hey there Future Funder

Do you ever feel like you’re out there all alone but wishing you had a magic wand that would make more money appear out of thin air
or at least
grow itself? 

You’re smart enough to know that money doesn’t grow on trees, even though you may or may not have acquired a green thumb (and a bunch of houseplants) during the pandemic

Don’t worry. We won’t ask to see your credit card statement. 

You’re ready to start building your financial foundations, but you don’t know where to begin so you can make the right choices and take the next best action step

so you can actually start seeing your bank account (and your net worth) increase every quarter.

There are so many options to choose from and so little time, that even if you did slow down long enough to think about the future state of your finances

you’d instantly feel like your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.

It’s not that you don’t know what you want. In fact, that part feels pretty dang clear. 

Maybe you’re interested in building in enough of a cash buffer to take a micro-retirement, so you can travel and see the world while you’re still young enough to enjoy it.

Maybe you imagine yourself starting a business, side hustle, or additional revenue stream that does some pretty meaningful and impactful work (and makes great money, too). 

Or maybe you see yourself supplementing your parent’s retirement income, building your kid’s college fund, or househacking a vacation rental property with five of your closest friends.  

Regardless of what your future plans or your financial vision looks like, you can’t help but feel like you’re in a constant state of flux

or juggling millions of micro decisions and with more options to choose from than a dinner out at Cici’s Pizza. 

Because your reality today looks nothing like how you envision it if you fast-forwarded to the future. 

Here’s where things get interesting đŸ‘šđŸ»â€đŸš’

Any time you experience fear, uncertainty, or general anxiety about your finances it’s like you’re the dispatcher or operator over at 9-1-1

Just imagine yourself picking up a walkie-talkie and talking to someone on the other end of the line who’s looking for YOU to give them directions. 

“Where’s the fire?”

Every word you say and every thought you think gets wired over to the first responders who are about to help you put out or prevent the fire that is your finances

or at least double-check that you did remember to blow that candle out and turn the oven off. 

And if there’s one thing these firefighters know better than anything, it’s if you’ve got a big fire, you’re gonna need a lot of water. 

Only problem? 

These everyday heroes are in a hurry—running dozens of calls a day up and down your neighborhood—so if you tell them something, they malice fast (and take everything literally).

Because they need bite-sized, easy actions and clear descriptions of what you want with no room for misunderstandings or margin for error. 

Roger that. 

And if you’re someone who gets frustrated because you haven't won the lottery yet or created half a million dollars in five seconds like everyone else claims you can do on social media

you probably also get a little prickly and impatient about when your money’s going to show up in your bank account or on your front doorstep.

Instead of focusing on the negative, what you think you lack, or what you still want, we’ve found that it’s better to say “stand by one” and take the time to write down 1) exactly what you want and 2) how it’s going to work for you. 

Because without context, money is just money. 

And what matters most is what you plan to do with it. 

Which brings us to one of the best Dinner Table Discussions that happens every single night at a firehouse near you (unless the firefighters are out on a call, of course).

The truth is that so much can happen in such a short amount of time when your adrenaline gets going and you’re out on a call. 

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. 

That’s why firefighters make sure to pause and celebrate their achievements at their “family dinner” every night on shift

and also write down their goals or growth areas that they’re setting out to accomplish directly under the fire station dinner table.

By the way, this act has been happening for decades, but unless you know a firefighter
you probably had no idea. 

Kinda like the first rule of Fight Club is not to talk about Fight Club. 

When a firefighter writes about a goal or growth area underneath the station’s family dinner table, they also write each one “as if” it’s already happened and long before it ever comes to fruition.

Not only does writing down a goal make it 42% more likely to achieve but the act of writing it under the dinner table allows everyone at the fire station (or in your household) to take accountability and be a participant in making it happen. 

A homework assignment for you + yours ✏

We created three Future Funders goals and daily reminders for YOU and your household to start implementing tonight

Just grab a permanent marker and prepare to make like Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel and write them underneath your dinner table or main dining area. 

Don’t have a dinner table? You can also write them on your kitchen chalkboard or your bathroom mirror, or even stick them on your refrigerator using your favorite magnet.  

Dinner Table Declarations

Here they are typed out nice and pretty for ya:

  • I am getting 1% better every single week 

  • I am planting the seeds today that will fund my future tomorrow

  • I am open to creating new money beliefs and opportunities

You can also take a look at these other examples if you need ideas and/or would like to create some dinner table declarations of your own. 

P.S. Once you write your goals and dreams down under YOUR dinner table
hit reply to this email and send us a photo of what YOUR household’s dreams and goals look like when they’re all written out. 

And we’ll see you right back here real soon!

Dinner Table Discussions is back for breakfast đŸ„ž

September 30

bright and early at 5:15 a.m. EST 🐔

The future is Ours,
Your friends at Future Funders


or to participate.